
AAO: Avatar Optimizer #

Set of Anatawa12’s non-Destructive Small Avatar Optimization Utilities. Those utilities are applied on entering play mode or building avatars.

Avatar Optimizer is a Open Source Software developed on GitHub published under the MIT License.

Installation #

Avatar Optimizer is published with VPM repository so you can install this package using any vpm clients.

With VCC (Recommended) #

  1. Click this link to add anatawa12’s repository.
  2. Add Avatar Optimizer from VCC.

Using UnityPackage #

You can install this tool with just importing one unitypackage.

  1. download installer unitypackage here.
  2. Import the unitypackage into your project.
Installer for other versions

This installation method is provided in thanks to VPAI.

Using vrc-get #

If you’re familiar with command line, You may install this package using vrc-get.

# add our vpm repository
vrc-get repo add
# add package to your project
cd /path/to/your-unity-project
vrc-get install com.anatawa12.avatar-optimizer

Using VPM CommandLine Interface #

If you’re familiar with command line, You may install this package using VPM/VCC CLI.

# add our vpm repository
vpm add repo
# add package to your project
cd /path/to/your-unity-project
vpm add package com.anatawa12.avatar-optimizer