Merge PhysBone

Merge PhysBone (MergePB) #

This component merges multiple PhysBone Components into one Component with MultiChildType == Ignore.

This component should be added to a new GameObject.

Notes #

Merge target PhysBones must be children of the same GameObject. Alternatively, you can use Make Children of Me option.

This component will create a new PhysBone root GameObject and make the bones swayed by merge target PhysBones into children of this GameObject.
Since the root GameObject is treated as a PhysBone affected Transforms, the number of PhysBone Affected Transforms will be increased by one for each Merge PhysBone. The GameObject added by this component will not be swayed by PhysBone, so this can be a bug of the VRChat Performance Rank System.

Settings #


Make Children of Me #

Make the bones swayed by merge target PhysBones into children of this GameObject.

Components #

The list of PhysBone Component.

Drop to None element at the bottom to add PhysBone and reset to None to remove from the list.

Overrides #

Below the configurations, there’s configurations like VRCPhysBone. For each property, you may select Copy to copy value from source property (only available if values from the sources are same) or Override to set new value instead.

For colliders, you can select Merge to merge colliders array from source physbones.

For Endpoint Position, you can select Clear to apply Clear Endpoint Position